“Empatico” Web Platform on Developing English Speaking Skills of Primary School Pupils

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


EFL Teacher


This study was conducted to investigate the use of Empatico platform as a pedagogical technique in teaching English language, and its impact on students’ oral production skills. For this purpose, one intact class (N=30) was chosen as a convenient sample from a primary school in El-Gharbia Governorate. This study has been conducted both qualitatively and quantitatively through the use of pre/post oral production tests, a reflection in-action sheet, and a reflection on-action sheet as data collection instruments. Data were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively (using paired-sample t-test). The quantitative results showed that there were statistically significant differences between students’ pretest and posttest mean scores on all oral production sub-components (i.e., accuracy of English sounds pronunciation, language expression, vocabulary, grammatical structure, and speaking pauses, intonation and length of utterance as well as fluency) in favor of the posttests. Qualitative findings revealed that Empatico platform can provide learners with the communicative elements that allow them to use English to express their ideas freely. Students’ responses to the reflection sheets showed that they appreciated the activities practiced and zoom sessions as an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) resource. This offers a glimpse of how useful authentic videos and subtitles are when encouraging students to learn English.

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